Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Yessir, That's My Baby!

Have I ever told you that I want to learn to play the piano? Ok, not just play it but actually own one AND learn how to play it? Well, if you're one of my long-suffering friends or relatives, you probably know that about me. BUT, having had absolutely no musical instruction...EVER, I couldn't justify plunking down a large sum of money on an instrument that could, quite possibly, turn into just another piece of furniture in our tiny Victorian home. To avoid such a dilemna, I've therefore been on a quest for the perfect free, or almost free, piano for quite awhile now. I've even recruited friends to help search the give-away section of the classifieds (by the way, Thanks, Tim!). Well, I am so happy to report that I have returned triumphant! Thanks to a local Craigslist ad, I am the proud, new owner of an old, but still quite regal, piano. Yes, it might have a few bumps and bruises, and, yes, a few of its keys might sound out like a goose calling its young but it's mine and I love it.
So, as I happily plonk out my Ode to Joy and my Mary Had a Little Lamb, I dream of my days as a pianist and I know that soon, very soon (ok, once I finally find a piano teacher willing to take me on), I will be soaring to the dulcet notes of Beethoven and Bach.

Until then, I would like to offer a sincere apology to my spouse, who is gamely trying to smile and support through the torturous learning phase, and to my dogs, who run for the hills whenever they hear the goose call out....this one's for you!

1 comment:

Amy said...

Looks like you've got a big old gorgeous piano there. We started out with a "free" piano rescued from a house fire. It was an insurance write-off, but a piano tuner friend of ours thought it could be saved so it was given to us. He taught us how to fix it all up - even re-cover all of the keys. It was a lot of work but once we paid for the new strings to be put in the tone was quite something.

I have a few friends who took up piano lessons as adults and have done very well!


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